Natural Treatments

The best foods for herpes treatment

Garlic: A Natural Remedy for Herpes Treatment

Garlic, Benefits in Herpes Treatment

Garlic, a natural alternative in the treatment of herpes and cold sores, due to its potential therapeutic benefits. In this article, we will explore the benefits of garlic in herpes treatment, its important ingredients, and how to use it effectively.…

Apricot: Benefits in Herpes Treatment

Apricot Benefits in Herpes Treatment

Discover how apricot can be beneficial and help alleviate herpes symptoms and promote healing. Get ready to enjoy new hope and well-being in your herpes treatment journey. Research on Apricot in Herpes Treatment Researchers have conducted studies to understand the…

Lysine in Herpes Treatment: A Powerful Ally!


One of the approaches to the treatment and prevention of this virus involves the use of specific amino acids, such as lysine and arginine. In this article, we will explore the relationship between these amino acids and herpes, analyzing their…