How Does Herpes Manifest Itself?

At least 80% of the adult population carry the herpes simplex virus, but most have few or no symptoms. and didn’t even know they were carriers.

When symptoms manifest themselves as a burning sensation or discomfort in the affected skin area.

Soon after, a red area begins to appear at the site of pain that quickly evolves into the formation of blisters or blisters. After a few days, the blisters will burst and leave scabs before completely getting better. When a person has herpes simplex for the first time, they may have a fever and feel unwell.

The illness lasts from a few days to a few weeks, but even with the end of the infectious activity of this virus, it will remain in the body for the rest of its life in a latent state of reproduction, established in our peripheral nerves.

What are the Causes of Herpes?

The Herpes virus is transmitted when it comes into unprotected contact with a herpes sore. Human-to-human transmission occurs mainly when herpetic lesions appear on the skin, usually in the blistering phase, as transmission tends to stop when only scabs form.

After remission, the virus enters a latent period where it can begin to replicate and cause symptoms at any point in life.

Are There People More likely to Get Herpes?

Yes, but the immunological predisposition (of the defense system) of herpes simplex is not clear. Psychological factors are an important reason for relapse, but there is always some tendency of the defense system, just as some “nervous” people have herpes simplex in their body, but never show symptoms and do not even get infected.

Is There a Cure for Herpes? And is There a Remedy for Herpes?

No vaccine or medication can completely eliminate the herpes virus from the body. The aim of herpes treatment is to shorten the time it takes for herpetic activity to manifest and to avoid complications such as outbreaks, which are very rare.

People with recurrent symptoms may be given antiviral drugs prophylactically to prevent the onset of new viral activity, and supplements to boost immunity are also recommended.

Is it Possible to Avoid Herpes Infection? As?

Avoid direct contact with the lesion and avoid indirect contact with clothing, food, hygiene materials and personal utensils and clothing that have come into contact with the herpes lesion. It is very important for people with an active infection to avoid touching the sore and to wash their hands frequently.

However, if the herpes virus is active, transmission is possible even in non-expressive populations. Therefore, controlling the global spread of the herpes virus is extremely difficult.

Is There any Special Advice for People With Herpes?

These recommendations are the same when the herpes infection is active. The problem is when it is active without any manifestation and has the potential to spread. It is impossible for a person with herpes to be “isolated” from everything and everyone for the rest of his life. Several factors are known to predispose to reactivation of herpes infection, such as trauma (surgery or accident), weakened defenses, stress, exposure to sunlight, etc.

Dr Humbert S.
Dr Humbert S.

Dr. Humbert S., a physician and writer, is the brilliant mind behind the blog "Forget Your Herpes." With a scientific and pragmatic approach, Humbert S. unravels the secrets of herpes in a clear and straightforward manner, making complex information accessible to everyone.