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What are good teas and fruits for Genital Herpes? Help me out!

Pleaseee, help me!

Herpes type 2 is characterized by sores and blisters in the genital area, and it is a viral infection, a base disease for other pathologies. This is because it weakens your body as your immune cells are engaged in trying to eliminate the virus from your system. Diet can be very helpful!

What to eat:

  • Fish, milk, cheese, eggs: rich in lysine, an essential amino acid responsible for reducing the virus's replication.
  • Flaxseed, sardines, salmon, and tuna: high in omega-3, which improves the immune system.
  • Berries: a source of ellagic acid responsible for viral inhibition, along with a significant amount of vitamin A, crucial for immune system function.
  • Dark leafy greens, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, citrus fruits, and extra virgin olive oil are rich in vitamin E, C, and zinc.

Avoid: Foods rich in arginine, such as nuts and chestnuts, despite being healthy foods, should be avoided as they worsen the condition during the acute phase.